Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 184 - Another Sky

I liked the dramatic effect of contrasting the dark building of my workplace with the blue sky peeking through white and a bit of storm clouds. Yes, it's the metaphor I'm feeling tonight.  I know this is sky images on two consecutive days. Honestly I didn't think of that when I took today's image. Don't know about you but I need the hope of something better to lift my spirits from time to time. Each of us, as we view this image, are at different places in life. Some good, some otherwise. If we could really connect, you and I, then I would send you my sense of something that can lift you out of your place and lift you into light.  I hope through my images, and perhaps my words at times, can give you a smile, an understanding or just that little something that can help make your burdens a bit lighter to make it through one more day and night. My heart to yours...

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