Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 192 Numbers

I've always loved numbers and that led me to my love of maths. The interesting things is that the more I learned, the more I realized that there was so much I didn't know. That's an interesting effect where perhaps by learning more I'm becoming less? Oh and the next time you think of Algebra... that comes from the Arabic term al-jabr roughly meaning adding the same thing to both sides of an equation. Math is truly a universal subject with many, many cultures contributing. I'm not sure that any one individual can learn it all.  How can you even try to compete with thousands of years of geniuses?  I am humbled to know the bit I do -- or a least in my own mind I think I understand. I've always been driven by the great questions: how does this work?, why does this work?, where does this come from? You get the idea -- or maybe not. Guess I'm just different.

For me, I get really focused ( not so often these days) when I study and work on a problem. I can get really intensely focused. That can really make people uncomfortable. For the few of you who have experienced that from me I apologize. Don't worry, I eventually simmer down and go away...

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