Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 265 Shadows

Walking in Johnstone Park in Bartlesville, OK today. I discovered my shadow again.Again, another lonely trip as I walked and pondered. I had work during the evening, but spent time with myself today. Reminds me of the part in Peter Pan where he is looking for his shadow. I've found mine, but where am I?

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 264 Colors

This decorative bowl with colored beads greeted me at breakfast this morning. Holidays are just around the corner.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 263 Bikes

No, you are not sitting sideways. These bikes are hanging from the ceiling at Frank and Lola's where I had lunch today. Yes, sometimes life get's a bit topsy turvy and you're not quite sure all is right. Hang in there (pun intended).

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 262 Orb

 This looked like an orb out of one of the SyFy shows. This at a nursery as we picked up some seed. Part of some lawn decoration.
And now for some sunset scenes from tonight.

 This was looking at the sun. I think the haze was heavy tonight and that made for an increased orange hue.

This with more sky and less of the glow. I added some contrast to enhance the image.

This was a few minutes earlier than the above images before the sun set so low.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 261 Peppers

Well, after yesterday's black and white image I thought some color today was in order. This is the pepper display at the Farmer's Market where Angel and I had lunch today. I did the soup and salad without the soup. It was OK for a change.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 260 Long dreary walk

End of my day and I'm headed towards the parking garage. This is the long walk I take at the end of every day and it's actually much longer than this short section. The lack of color reflects my inner loss of energy and self awareness. I'm usually drained and have nothing more to give.  Sometimes the walk takes a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away and beyond anything that I can see clearly now that the rain drops keep falling on my head home for the end of the day.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 259 Time

Such an interesting concept: time.  Try to come up with a good definition. Sure, you'll use terms like before, now and after. Even the great physicists have struggled with this. And what do you make of this Theory of Relativity that talks about time being different depending on how fast you are going and only really noticeable at speeds approaching the speed of light? OK, that's just weird you say. But what's even weirder is that it's been proven experimentally. Sure the math is all there, but experiments have proven it out.  I think one of the hardest things in life is to take a hard look at your beliefs and be willing to see if they check out experimentally. And if your beliefs don't prove out can you change?  Some people like to ignore reality and continue on. But what is reality you say?  Ahh, the great eternal question. And just to be clear, just because some muckity muck with more degrees than a thermometer says it doesn't make it true. History is replete with this lesson. We have to trust to a certain degree. Did the designer of the elevator you just got in use the correct values to determine the correct size of cable so it doesn't break? Are the safety systems designed correctly and functional? I've always trusted this. Do you?