Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 61

This entire image is looking through a mirror back into two rooms. The dark area in the middle is where the front door is between the two rooms. I just like the warm feeling of being at home. Which is what I need tonight as I'm still fighting a cold. May each of you find your comfortable spot and curl up with a good book. I'm reading some light material titled, "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking. Love that stuff.  There is something fascinating and elusive about finding the fundamental "truth" of mathematics, physics, etc. I think it's just the fundamental question of Who are we, Where did we come from and Where are we going. Thinking around this stuff can really make your brain hurt. Do you realize that we take advantage of all the wonderful inventions derived from all this fundamental knowledge -- the practical application of theory. However there is really just a tiny few who really understand where it comes from, how it is made. How many of you can explain how a transistor works. I'm not even talking about how you put it in a circuit. I mean at the atomic level, what is really going on and why does it do what it does. We reap the benefits in all aspects of our lives -- from video, audio, automobiles, refrigerators, clocks and just about every electronic device we use.  I picked up a book the other day titled "QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter" by Richard P. Feynman. At first I thought it would be a math book --  you know, Q.E.D (quod erat demonstrandum or that which was to be demonstrated -- you may remember this from High School geometry). But it turned out to be some lectures on Quantum ElectroDynamics. Even better!

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