Sunday, July 11, 2010


Yes, this is my 50 mm 1.8D Nikkor lens. And no, it doesn't work anymore and is not worth repairing. And yes, I dropped my camera again. And yes, I had fun taking it apart to see how it works. Just for the record, the focus ring is jammed/broken from the fall.

The metaphors and thoughts about this are endless. 

I've been told by more than one person that I over-think things. First, I don't know how that is possible in a world full of people who can't think for themselves. Or maybe since people don't think then the mere fact that I can means I over-think. Not sure. Second, that's just who I am -- I try to figure things out. I can't shut that part of me off. It makes be crazy at times and I'm sure it bugs the heck out of some, but what can I say. Third, at the end of the day I'm not sure it really matters anyway -- at least when trying to figure out people and their motivations. Lastly, no one can figure me out, not even me. So it all evens out -- comes out in the wash or something like that.

So, well, maybe my over-thinking is like that lens seen above where I've over analyzed, taken apart, or some would say destroyed something that while it would focus and would at least work for some fixed focus length is now useless. It worked fine at one time and through my actions is now just a piece of junk I don't even want to go there. Maybe I like the metaphor of throwing away the old junk inside and starting something new, starting over -- a new beginning. Or taking the shambles of some event in my life and creating some newer, better me. That's starting to sound better.  Just don't think too unkindly of me while I sort it all out.

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