Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 321 - New Cello

Today I leased a full size cello (4/4). Thanks e for getting me started. I've had this dream tucked away for more that 20 years.   So, in December, Collette and I visited Elizabeth. Somewhere in the discussions I mentioned something about wanting to learn to play the cello someday. So e says, "I have one. Why don't you take if for a couple of years."  Now that's a true friend. Turns out the cello is a 1/2 size and after a few weeks I realized I needed a full size one.  And so the adventure has just begun. I've seen comments from many who have started this path at my age.  I feel new life and energy. But you may not want to come around for awhile without earplugs....

OK, so Collette took this picture. And so I can post one of my favorite subject taken later that day...

1 comment:

  1. you look simply giddy in this picture. i love it.
    and the "Olivia sightings" are something i look forward to each and every time.
