Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 30

Tonight I took a walk in the little park behind my home.  I selected this image because I really like the colors. This was just before sunset began and the light was fantastic. I've always enjoyed nature and its beauty. And even in Houston there are some beautiful wondrous things. I would say the same in your neighborhood no matter where you live. OK, I'd really like to live in the Rocky Mountains somewhere -- someday...

And tonight I was chatting online with Rhea about kids and so I'm going to add another image I took tonight of my youngest. She joined me on my nature walk tonight. Thanks for giving me moral support Jenn! She is my sidekick in photography and she really does a fantastic job. Maybe we can talk her into a blog of her own.

And I send a "Thank You!" to each of you who have journeyed with me so far.  I didn't realize how time consuming and at times difficult to take an image, post it and then try to make some comments.  At times what I write comes quickly and easily -- other times more difficult and at times too personal. You may read and think, gee that doesn't sound all that, but as we are each different, this for me has been a bit hard. A few postings have touched on the edges of some very deep personal thoughts and I don't have the courage to lay it all out -- yet. Another thing that strikes me is that no matter what I experience and feel from the lows to the joys, there are many out there who have it much worse and perhaps much better. I acknowledge those and also each of you.  My association with each of you has helped me become who I am -- an impatient son of a ...oops, just kidding. OK, I am working on that patient thing. For those of you going through dark times please join me in the celebration of beauty. You are the beholder -- seek and you shall find.

As you wish

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