Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 24

It's amazing what you can see in nature. The pattens that you can just make out. Words or images can appear and make you wonder...  For instance, while walking in Cullen Park during lunch this image jumped out at me. Can you see what I see?  Do you see a heart with T+C in the middle?  Click the image to view a larger version. That's what I see: Tom + Collette. How many movies have you seen the young infatuated couple engrave their initials within a heart on the tree. Could this be the remnants of such an act many years ago or perhaps just something that nature provided awaiting me to finally see. Either way I smiled today. That makes it a good day.

1 comment:

  1. How cool is that??? You should frame that one! Maybe as an anniversary gift...
