Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 5

I know that somewhere deep inside me there is still some light, some warmth, some feeling. It's very difficult most of the time for me to open up and share -- it's so easy for some people to trample what they don't value. I think most are amazed at how much I do really care. Like most I have my carefully crafted barriers of protection. And just like here you don't see the glass panes shielding these mantles from the elements. They are quite thick and really not very clean.   One of the first things we did after moving into our home was to install this gas light in our yard. It's been a faithful friend for over 10 years never ceasing to share its light for all.

On the other hand this could just be a ghostly encounter and I've watched too many episodes of Ghost Hunters.

I took this at 6:48 this morning and it was my first picture of the day. I just deepened the shadows in photoshop, pushed the contrast up a bit and this is the result. I like the way it seems to float in space -- an effect I didn't foresee, but like. I hope you enjoy.

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